Scholarships Awarded to Four Student Volunteers

July 24, 2024

The Tech Interactive is proud to announce the recipients of the David H. Liu Memorial Scholarship and the Janie & Wayne Lambert Scholarships. These scholarships recognize student volunteers who exhibit exceptional academic achievement, extracurricular involvement, and a strong commitment to "Inspiring the Innovator in Everyone." Here’s a closer look at the four remarkable scholarship recipients and how their volunteer experiences have shaped them:

Vidhi Patra

School: Georgia Institute of Technology
Major: Computer Science

Favorite part of volunteering: Vidhi found her passion in The Tech’s Living Colors Lab, where she explored the fascinating world of bacteria formation and analysis. "Red, green, pink... precisely 147 colors were displayed on the screen from the bacteria sample," she recalled. 

Impact of volunteering: Vidhi’s curiosity was piqued when she was asked, "Are the bacteria safe for my five-year-old?" Although she knew the answer was “yes”, she did not know why. This question drove her to delve deeper into understanding bacteria and other scientific phenomena, transitioning from mere memorization to genuine exploration and discovery. "Before this job, learning had just meant memorization; now, I see it as pursuing curiosity," she shared, excited about her continued journey of knowledge.

Hunter Nguyen

School: San Jose State University
Major: Computer Science

Favorite part of volunteering: Hunter cherished forming connections and sharing his knowledge and passion with visitors. “There’s something incredibly fulfilling about sharing my knowledge of STEM with others and witnessing their excitement and curiosity grow as a result.”

Impact of volunteering: Volunteering helped Hunter develop valuable communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. He has translated these skills into various aspects of his life, from playing piano at his local church to leading the Armenian Student Association. "I've inspired the innovator in everyone around me," he said. “By sharing my passion for STEM and promoting a culture of curiosity, I’ve encouraged others to explore news ideas, pursue their interests, and think critically about the world around them.”

Michelle Sang Dao

School: San Jose State University
Major: Engineering Technology, Computer Network Systems Management

Favorite part of volunteering: Michelle rediscovered her love for biology by engaging with students and teaching them about STEM. This interaction not only reignited her passion but also allowed her to give valuable other students advice based on her experiences.

Impact of volunteering: Michelle's realization of the lack of college readiness among students during her time at The Tech Interactive motivated her to join the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at SJSU, where she now holds the position of Outreach Director. She organizes events to spark K-12 interest in STEM and has expanded efforts to support transfer students. "I created a plan for the upcoming Outreach Director and will offer my assistance," she explained, ensuring the continuity of her impactful work when she steps down from her position due to other priorities in her 4th year.

Jaimie Nguyen

School: University of Southern California
Major: Human Biology and Public Health

Favorite part of volunteering: Jaimie was particularly drawn to The Tech’s Anatomage Table, a life-size digital table for virtual dissection. She found immense joy in learning and demonstrating the intricacies of the human body.

Impact of volunteering: A poignant interaction with a visitor whose son had passed away from a brain tumor highlighted the profound impact of her knowledge. "My actions carried more impact than just to feed my curiosity," she realized. Jaimie’s volunteer work has shown her the power of innovation and diversity, reinforcing her commitment to being at the forefront of change.

These four students exemplify the values of The Tech Interactive, demonstrating how volunteering can inspire personal growth and a lifelong love of learning. We are beyond grateful for their service, passion, and enthusiasm for STEM education and can’t wait to see what inspiring and innovative work they do in the future!