Sensory Resources
New planning tools to help you prepare for a comfortable, stress-free visit.
A Sensory-Friendly Adventure
A visit to The Tech Interactive is a fun, hands-on way to experience STEM. But what is it like inside and what can I expect to do? Not knowing can be intimidating or prevent some people from wanting to visit.
As a part of our ongoing work to create a more welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, we have developed two sensory-friendly tools to help plan your visit. These tools were developed with help and consultation from Debbie Drennan, Assistive Technology Specialist.
We recognize we may not have accounted for all sensitivities. Please speak with any member of our Visitor Services team if you or your family need additional assistance.
Sensory Guide
Sensory Guide is a tool for informing visitors what sensory challenges they may face while visiting an unfamiliar location.
Download Sensory Guide
La guía sensorial interactiva
hướng dẫn giác quan
Sensory Guide Video
Join Jenni and Ella as they explore The Tech Interactive and share their sensory experience to get a better idea of what visiting the interactive may be like.

Social Story
Our Social Story has images and short descriptions of what to expect on a typical visit to The Tech.
Download Social Story
Una historia social
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